Monday, December 19, 2011

Training and the holidays...

Training Progress Video  <% 

Disciplining myself to *not* treat the birds all day long represents a problem.  With the holidays, it seems we have a wider variety of goodies around that are both good for them and yummy.  Sweet potatoes, warmed up with just a little bit of butter... 

Bobby is definitely showing signs of less-panic and managed to target the stick without shaking himself off of his perch to do so.  And, he seems to understand that the 10-count with step-up is okay now and doesn't panic at all.  Baby steps.

Coco is still throwing away his birdie kibble and I'm still putting it back into his dish.  He's covered in pin feathers and grumpy and I understand.  He gets lots of training to get lots of sunflower seeds... and I never let his bowl go empty.

Gracie is due to learn something new.  I'm thinking about asking her to do the "what does a cat say" with the meow response.  She says meow already, so I just have to train her to respond correctly.

Lucy is my champion this week.  She now says hello in response to my hello even when she's perched on my hand!!!  She is allowing much more Mama Touch and even says hello to my husband for a nut.  She did, however, dump her full water bowl TWICE today.  Grrrr!

I did a video showing the birds' progress.  Who knows, maybe I'll inspire someone to help their relationships with their own birds.  I hope so.  If nothing else, it inspires me to keep going because it works!

Merry Christmas!~

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