Coco in his cage... |
I opened the door and let Lucy (Congo African Grey) and Gracie (Timneh African Grey) smell and hear the rain through the screen door. The feathers raised on Lucy's neck and her eyes pinned as she took in the sights and smells of the rainy morning. With one girl on my right shoulder and another on my left, we stood and listened and watched the heavy rain. Rain. Thunder. Wind. I love to watch their natural spirits kindled by something as simple as the cool wind blowing on their faces.
A while back, I had Coco (Lesser Sulfur Crested Cockatoo) in a cage by a big window. The rain came down that afternoon in a tropical torrent. It was warm rain and the air temperature must have been about 80 degrees. I watched, fascinated as he danced on his perch inside his cage, imitating a rain dance a wild bird would do... given the chance... when a welcome summer rain came down in the forest. I took Coco (who is always well-trimmed so that he cannot fly away) out of his cage and to the deck. We stood in the pouring rain. Coco did his rain dance with wings spread open wide and tail feathers wagging with joy as I watched in utter joy. He's never wanted to repeat the experience. I've tried. But, he knows what it feels like to be a bird, dancing in the summer rain.
I keep all my birds' flight feathers trimmed. I've heard too many heartbreaking stories about pet birds that flew away, never to be brought home safely again. They usually cannot survive on their own. But, it's my experience also that "trimmed birds" can still do stupid stuff outside and get themselves into trouble. Bobby panics and once landed in the pool... where I scooped him out quickly.... It could have been worse. The grey girls are more nervous outdoors than the boys, so they are more prone to panic... and therefore, more prone to accidents.
When the weather turns warm again later this week, I'm going to take Bobby (timneh African Grey) and Coco outside while I work in the yard. I have two small aluminum carriers that are safe and I put them on the picnic table, under an umbrella. I am always in sight of them. My phobic Bobby watches and enjoys outdoor time and when he comes into the house he is, for once, relaxed. Coco can chew his way through 10 pounds of cardboard box in a day if I'd let him. Outdoor time seems to excite him while he's there and calm him when he comes back inside.
Training: Ongoing. Nothing new. We're maintaining and reinforcing what we've learned these past months. I've learned that I need to vary the routine so the birds don't know what to expect. Coco has been obstinate and unwilling to come out of his cage. Bobby has chewed off all but one tail feather. Hormones are bugging birdie boys. Lucy and Gracie LOVE LOVE LOVE their foraging wheels and they get those about every 4th day. When Lucy can't get the nut out, she says "hello," to it in hopes that it will "reward her" with the nut like Mama does! I could cry it makes me so happy. Her "person" is growing and she is evolving.
Gracie goes through EVERY single things she knows to get her treats. What she lacks in efficiency, she makes up for in enthusiasm. When I got her she would only let you touch her head through the cage bars. Now, I can lay her in my arms and kiss her head, neck, and back and she is pretty darn relaxed. She is starting to whistle some of Lucy's songs!!! Gracie is evolving.
I can still get Bobby to stay on my finger for the 10-count WHEN he isn't being totally phobic. I count progress with him in "pools of calm moments." I know he's happy when he overcomes his fears. I sing to him. He likes it even if I'm off key. {:
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