Monday, November 7, 2011

Working on Bobby, the super-scared bird!

The birds are all doing about the same.  We're going through the routine a minimum of once a day just before bedtime.   Coco is stubborn, but doing better with the food business.  He doesn't throw away the food like he did and he rushes to see what's in his breakfast "wet" bowl.  The girls are about the same, positive and responsive.  And then, there is Bobby, the timneh African grey with phobic behavior, that we have to help.

Bobby strategy is to have him step  up and simply stay on my hand (without flying away in fear) for the count of 10.  He steps up.  I bring him out of the cage, give him a kiss and count to ten.  On ten, I click and treat.  I feel that if I do this every day for a while he can "put off" being frightened because he will know that when "10" comes he can return to his perch.

Why do I think this strategy will be a good starting place; I believe it because it works with me.  If I know that my "challenge" is limited, I can calm myself and focus on getting through the "challenge."  I went to a water park with my husband some years ago.  I was very frightened and didn't like it, however I told him that I could get through every ride ONE TIME and then I would never set foot in a water park again.  It worked.  I overcame my BIG fear and I've never gone to a water park again, and I won't.  (:  This strategy has worked for me at the dentist and doctor's office when I've had small, but painful, procedures.  When I know the "challenge" is finite, I can make it through without panic.

So.  We work with Bobby and I hope to report significant progress in a positive direction in a few weeks.   Baby steps! 

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