Sunday, December 18, 2011

Breakthrough... <%


In the video above, you will see the proof that I've got Lucy trained to answer my "hello" with her own "hello" while I'm in the room!  It took something like 3 weeks of my getting closer and closer and running like a nut with a nut... to treat her. 

She has always been a "closet talker" and I'm excited that she's answering me while I'm so close to her.  What is really exciting is that Peter was able to get the same response while in the room with her.

Bobby is a little less paranoid and nervous the past days, but in general the birds haven't trained well otherwise this weekend.  It seems I have provided too many goodies during the day so they simply weren't hungry.  (: 

I'll get some new videos of the birds in-training for the coming week. 

It's working.  I'm happy.  Now to get Lucy to respond to "What does a chicken say?"  (She already sounds like a chicken.  I just need her to do it as a response to the command.  She "did do this" when she was about a year old, but quit doing it.)

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